Slogh biomass plot

This document describe the steps to plot the Elkhorn Slough model results. These are biomass estimations by the model.

Load data

The first thing you need to do is load your data in R. We create a datatable called and we fill it with data from the csv file called An example data can be downloaded from this link

mass<-read.csv('Biomass_annual.csv', header=T)

Take a look at data

Now we want to make sure that the data looks ok. With the following code, you can take a look at the dimentions of the data. This is useful to double check all functional groups and all years are there.

## [1] 31 23

With the following we can see the years and functional groups we are working with

years<-unique(mass$Year); years
##  [1] 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
## [15] 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986
## [29] 1985 1984 1983
fg<-colnames(mass); fg
##  [1] "Year"             "Sea.otter"        "Leopard.shark"   
##  [4] "Staghorn.sculpin" "Stickleback"      "Pipefish"        
##  [7] "Arrow.goby"       "Perch"            "Flatfish"        
## [10] "Bat.ray"          "Cancer.Crab"      "Other.Crab"      
## [13] "Bivalve"          "Polychaeta"       "Isopod"          
## [16] "Gastropod"        "Amphipod"         "Zooplankton"     
## [19] "Phytoplankton"    "Epiflora"         "Zostera"         
## [22] "Ulva"             "Detritus"

Set plot dimentions

First, we set the dimensions of the plot and the number of plots

par(mfrow=c(6,4), mar=c(0.2,1,1,0.5), oma=c(4,3,0,1), xpd=TRUE, cex=.5)

Plot data

Plot each of the functional grups following the example for the southern sea otter

par(mfrow=c(6,4), mar=c(0.2,2,1,0.5), oma=c(4,3,0,1), xpd=TRUE, cex=.5)

plot(mass$Year, mass$Sea.otter, main="southern sea otter", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Leopard.shark, main="Leopard shark", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Staghorn.sculpin, main="Staghorn sculpin", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Stickleback, main="Stickleback", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Pipefish, main="Pipefish", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Arrow.goby, main="arrow goby", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Stickleback, main="Staghorn sculpin", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Perch, main="perch", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Flatfish, main="Flatfish", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Bat.ray, main="bat ray", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Cancer.Crab, main="Cancer.Crab", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Other.Crab, main="Other.Crab", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Bivalve, main="Bivalve", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Polychaeta, main="Polychaeta", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Isopod, main="Isopod", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Gastropod, main="Gastropod", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Amphipod, main="Amphipod", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Zooplankton, main="Zooplankton", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Phytoplankton, main="Phytoplankton", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Epiflora, main="Epiflora", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year", xaxt="n",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Zostera, main="Zostera", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Ulva, main="Ulva", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year",col="Black", type="l")

plot(mass$Year, mass$Detritus, main="Detritus", ylab="Biomass", xlab="Year",col="Black", type="l")

# General  Axis

mtext("Biomass (tons/square Km)", side= 2, outer=TRUE, line= 1)
mtext("Year", side= 1, outer=TRUE, line= 2)



Cool article about my research

Study: Single Genomic Region Strongly Influences Life History For Steelhead/Rainbow Trout
Posted on Friday, January 09, 2015 (PST)
A region of a chromosome known as “Omy5” strongly influences whether a steelhead will head to the ocean to grow or remain in its home river or lake as a resident rainbow trout.

Geneticists studying steelhead and rainbow trout in California and southern Oregon — two forms of the species known as Oncorhynchus mykiss — identified the chromosomal region and published their results last year in the Proceedings of the Royal Society.

Read the entire article here